Thursday, June 17, 2010

I have medium brown hair. What color of highlights should I get?

I already have some (grown-out) blonde highlights, but I was thinking of something maybe more bold (not orang bold, but imposing bold). I have dark, thickish eyebrows - if that helps.

I have medium brown hair. What color of highlights should I get?

I would do a mixture of CARAMEL, BEIGE and MEDIUM BLONDE highlights. Have the hairstylist do FOILS instead of pulling your hair through a cap. Tell her you want it WEAVED instead of sliced. It'll look AWESOME! For an added DRAMATIC look, you can have her do the very underneath of your hair the MEDIUM BLONDE color! That's just a suggestion. GOOD LUCK!

I have medium brown hair. What color of highlights should I get?


I have medium brown hair. What color of highlights should I get?

well I say you should like streak it blond or dye your whole head blond...that should look pretty on you.

I have medium brown hair. What color of highlights should I get?

i have medium brown hair and usually go with some "caramel" color and well as some lighter blonde highlights... if you already have some grown out highlights, maybe you should get low-lights too.. that'll bring back some of your 'natural color' and doesn't make you look to brassy.

I have medium brown hair. What color of highlights should I get?

do a firey red color.

I have medium brown hair. What color of highlights should I get?

blonde or auburn, or a mix of both

I have medium brown hair. What color of highlights should I get?

go for realy blonde or baby blonde highlights..........very sexay!

(i love blondes)

I have medium brown hair. What color of highlights should I get?

If you don't want a reddish color, try a light harvest gold. If you don't mind a reddish, a light auburn would look nice.

I have medium brown hair. What color of highlights should I get?

try black or you should try red or some platinum blonde.

I have medium brown hair. What color of highlights should I get?

Get lighter brown highlights. It makes it look sunkissed.

I have medium brown hair. What color of highlights should I get?

chocolate cherry it is gorgeous found in nutress brand

I have medium brown hair. What color of highlights should I get?

red that would look great real dark red or black

I have medium brown hair. What color of highlights should I get?

go darker then. at least several shades darker than your hair now. maybe a blue/black hue to it.

I have medium brown hair. What color of highlights should I get?

black red or platinum blonde

I have medium brown hair. What color of highlights should I get?

blonde. not platinum blonde b/c my friend did that nd she had brown hair nd it looked like crap.

do smthng like a golden blonde.... or red.

I have medium brown hair. What color of highlights should I get?

I personally think you should try thick but not to thick blonde highlights and in between the blond try a burgundy color it makes it stand out and it looks great. Or check out the Clairol website go to the Try it on Studio it lets you upload your photo to try out various hair experiments that wont be permanent

I have medium brown hair. What color of highlights should I get?

im thinking maybe a lighter brown or even an auburn red color or maybe just get some more blonde either one will look good

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